This blog has been dormant for quite some time, unlike myself. Life has been exceedingly hectic this year mostly in a good way with major family events. Now the dust is settling and I am getting back to my beloved studio.
Over the last few months I have been exploring different media and techniques to create images of the Orkney landscape and seascape.
Warebeth Bay, just west of Stromness, has wonderful warm, textured flagstones and the beachcombing is fascinating. There are rusty old bits of wrecks and the usual flotsam and jetsam to be found. Weather is constantly changing bringing varied light and colour to the sea and coast.
Working in acrylic or oil, I have tried to convey an atmospheric sense of place in a number of paintings. These are being exibited in Beauly Gallery in the Highlands for the next few weeks.
The title of this piece is "Stormy Skies".